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Mamluk Secondary Bibliography
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1. Frantz-Murphy, Gladys. "Arabic Papyrology and Middle Eastern Studies." Middle East Studies Association Bulletin 19, 1 (1985): 34-48.
Notes: Check for relevance
Subjects: Historiography
2. Frantz-Murphy, Gladys, The Agrarian Administration of Egypt from the Arabs to the Ottomans. ix, 118 pp.. Cairo: Institut français d'archéologie orientale, 1986.
Series: Supplément aux Annales islamologiques, 9
Notes: Review see Chalmeta; Halm; Holt.
Subjects: Economics/Administration
3. Frantz-Murphy, Gladys. Review of Labour in the Medieval Islamic World, by Maya Shatzmiller. The American Historical Review 101, 4 (1996): 1253-1254.
Subjects: Economics/Social relations
4. Frantz-Murphy, Gladys. Review of Levant Trade in the Later Middle Ages, by Eliyahu Ashtor. Middle East Studies Association Bulletin 19, 2 (1985): 212-213.
Subjects: Economics/Foreign relations
5. Frantz-Murphy, Gladys. Review of États, sociétés et cultures du monde musulman médiéval, Xe-XVe siècle. Tome 1: L'évolution politique et sociale, by Jean-Claude Garcin et al.. International Journal of Middle East Studies 29, 2 (1997): 290-291.
Subjects: General works
6. Frantz-Murphy, Gladys, "Negotiating the Last Mamluk-Venetian Commercial Decree (922-3/1516-7): Commercial Liability from the Sixth/Twelfth to the Early Tenth/Sixteenth Century." In Mamluk Cairo, a Crossroads for Embassies: Studies on Diplomacy and Diplomatics. Edited by Frédéric Bauden and Malika Dekkiche. 741-781. Leiden: Brill, 2019.
Series: Islamic History and Civilization : Studies and Texts, 161
Subjects: Foreign Relations



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